This period of time should lead to a great political realignment in the US Bush's twin towers of a quickening quagmire in Iraq and a daunting deficit at home make him vulnerable, and his vulnerability will lead to a political restructuring, either in 2004 or 2008. Yelnick will post an historical perspective on this shortly.
Bush has left himself vulnerable to half his base. In his eagerness to follow the Clinton strategy of triangulation, his Compassionate Conservatism has moved him too far left. If Kerry is careful, he can run to the right of Bush and therefore carry the center. He needs to embrace the same sort of Kennedy Republicanism which so helped Arnold in the California Recall. Here are the bumper stickers:
* Iraq: in winning the war with too few troops, he lost the peace
* Budget: "Read My Lips, No New Programs"
* Social: keep the government out of our private lives
If he wants an overarching theme, it is: It's the Mess, Stupid.
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