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Monday, August 14, 2006



I propose to give Saddam a clean shave, put him in a nice suit and place him back at the controls, in order to claen up this mess in Iraq. The balance of power in the Middle East would be restored at once.

Dow Predator

Wave 2 could have ended on my Fibonacci date of August 18-21. (Posted on your blog by Dow Predator before the STU, like 2 weeks ago).

The August 22 date could be important because Wave 3 of 3 down should be starting. Time will tell, but I think it is extremely dangerous to be long in this market. On waves 3 down, the "bad news" come along with a collapse on the market.

Lets patiently wait for the outcome.

Dow Predator

Dow Predator

The August 22 date might have been important. Time will tell but this date migth have been the last opportunity to sell. The Dow Jones made a top on August 22 and has not been broken so far.

Dow Predator

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