In the debate last night, Hillary jumped the shark, meaning her show has stretched too far and is about to be cancelled. (The phrase comes from the last days of Happy Days, where to keep a dying audience they had Fonzy jump a shark on water skis. Ludicrous.) Hillary went for the colorful rejoinder ("You're no JFK" like) over the substantive response. Someone must have advised her to be more dramatic, more colorful. She raised the plagiarism issue, Obama nailed it in his response (the guy whose line he used works in his campaign and gave it to him) and she then threw in her prepared line: "that isn't change you can believe in, it's change you can xerox." It was met with scattered booing, and seems a bit inappropriate after his strong reply. She missed other chances to rebut his vacuous statements with facts and substance, and at the end seemed to give her Valedictorial speech when she said how proud she was to share a stage with Obama. Does she know it is over?
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