Just after the expose of unjustified adjustments (always upwards) in Oz data, a Brisbane resident took a look at the raw data at his local airport and how the ClimateGate Cabal has manipulated it. This animated chart shows the fraud. His take:
As you can see the raw data shows a downward trend of about -0.6 C per century. The unadjusted data however shows an opposite trend of +0.6 C per century. Intuitively as the airport grew from a quiet strip to a busy international jet airport one would think the more recent data would be adjusted downwards for the heat island effect. Instead we see that the data prior to 1978 is adjusted down and the data in recent times was adjusted up.
The new book has three new countries: Andorra, Bosnia, and TimorIt has 4 new tertrroiies:Bermuda (90), Cook Is.(89), New Caledonia(85), and No. Mariana Is.I haven't checked for other numbers being different, than what is in parentheses.
Posted by: Richard | Wednesday, November 21, 2012 at 12:07 AM
That's what we get for tolerating crokos like George Will to take part in the discussion. His column on Three-Mile Island was so obviously and demonstrably a lie, supplied to him by the nuclear power industry that he should have been laughed out of the profession. Then he actually stole material during debate gate but somehow we looked the other way. So now he's lying and using stolen property at the same time what did everyone expect?
Posted by: Vagner | Thursday, November 22, 2012 at 09:32 PM