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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Thesis Writing

This is very informative blog for me actually I am writing my project about global warming and gather information from different blogs and sites and that is my pleasure to being here on your blog because the information is mention above it is very useful for me that enhance my knowledge too..


Thank you for your soothing words, Brother Thomas.From the tnemmocs that have been made on the subject here around the Village pump I can see that many support your view that these scare stories shouldn't be further propagated and exaggerated by constant repetition.Too, it's reassuring that none here in our little community would even think of making up negative stories about how the Great Cooling will affect society. Again we can be proud that we command the moral high ground!!Though fabricated scare stories will always be in circulation (remember the one a couple of years ago about the economic crisis' and all those job losses?) we can be sure that once the Great Cooling starts all this Warmist propaganda will melt away like so much Arctic ice!(BTW, any news on the start of the Great Cooling yet? There was snow in Poland a few days ago which obviously proves the world isn't warming. But is the Cooling close? The signs are there in the quiet sun, the return of the little girl. Should all of us here in the Village open our fridge doors to help it on its way and give those Warmists a real tipping point to worry about!!)

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Thanks a lot for sharing this nice and informative post, This posts shows your efforts that how do you cover any topic research. I really like your blog because your blog has updated posts on different current issues. I would request you to keep sharing your thoughts.

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