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Friday, February 29, 2008


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Skeptic Waver

What is the Daily Sentiment Index number for the S&P and Nasdaq? Do they support Hochberg's count?

I don't follow the Daily Sentiment Index...but, the CBOE Put/Call Ratios are in Buy Signal territory.


in regard to the blow off extreme sentiment readings-
it seems to me if there is a big drop the t-bonds and t-notes
should rally significantly as they have during the previous smaller declines of the past year. example this past friday the t-bonds rallied significantly as the dow industrials were down over 300 points. most investors when leaving the stock market don't buy an inverse market fund. they buy into treasury mutual funds. t-notes and t-bonds both went straight up during the crash of 1987.


with YM -100 now on sunday nite, looks like the 'Puetz Panic' window is open, Puetz reported market crashes after a full moon following a solar eclipse...was a blood red moon as well...bullish election ( year chart now, but after ides of march the market has had many difficulties over the years

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