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« Blow Off Top! | Main | Election Year Pattern - May Bottom? »

Friday, February 29, 2008


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not sure about google...

Re: the previous entry on wave counts, the dow, s&p and ndx all appear in a 4th from Oct 11th. I don't know why EWI is purporting to count the dow as in a 2 of a 3. I'm not well versed in EW, but it seems that a wave of lesser degree (i.e. a 2 of a continuing 3 instead of a 4th following the end of a 3), should reflect that in terms of price and time. For example, exhibit smaller moves over a shorter time.

In any case, 2 of a 3 or 4th, the next leg down should be substantial. I'm guessing it'll be the 5th and the end of the move from Oct 11th, and that this will occur this month (already March!).

The RUT never went above 734 (wave 1 and several previous lows). That 734 is a line in the sand. Technical indicators are on sells -- long and medium-term have been, now a new short-term sell. But the short term has been a whipsaw as to be expected.

The NDX is, as mentioned, in a very clear diagonal. Again, I'm not an EW'er, but the pattern, esp. in the NDX of a 4th from Oct 11th is very compelling.

So, all the indices seem lined-up by wave structure and technicals for a major multi-week downturn beginning this coming week (or really, already begun). And if this doesn't occur, then there are clear, nearby resistance levels that'll forecast a major change in trend (surge) has instead begun.

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