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« Give Credit to the Fed | Main | Near Term Top Nearly Here »

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


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Mamma Boom Boom

Fed-speak changed slightly "Pledge of low rates for 'extended period' contingent on economy, not calendar"

Forked tongue????


Mamma, Fed did not raise discount rate yesterday, which is what I expected since it would have been too fast a path to 100 bp higher than Fed Funds, the marker of raising both in tandem. Short term rates have ticked up a bit, which is probably the better indicator of when the Fed is going to raise.

I thin the Fed Speak today is an indication of higher confidence some sort of recovery is in the works, giving the Fed the headroom to raise.

The next shoe to drop is the Q1 GDP rate, where expectations still hover around 4% +/-, which is below Q4. I expect a rate at the high end of the range, which should creep higher as we get closer to the pronouncement.

Mamma Boom Boom

>I thin the Fed Speak today is an indication of higher confidence some sort of recovery is in the works, giving the Fed the headroom to raise.<

Oh, I agree. But, also, I read where the change in fed-speak will be a secret message to some of the big players to start to pull out of their carry trades. And there it is.


So many conspiracy theories... so little time.


Hi everyone, made a new EW analysis, ES min. extension from now over 1295 until Aug/Oct,


We'll know by April 20th if this is right or not. The price target is only a minimum. If I had to guess at a maximum, I'd say 1.618X wave-.E, which would be at 121.84. Fitted into the larger context of the wave count from the March 2009 low, this would potentially be a top, but it could still be only part of a larger structure. There's just no way to know at this point.

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