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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


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It would be interesting to see how Mr Rosenberg explains the correlation prior to 2006 when the Shanghai index was in a bear market since 2001 while the CRB index was in a bull market.


Michael, I think the argument is that China only began aggressively stockpiling during the bubble ramp (2004-2008) and wasn't a major commodities force prior to 2000.

Roger D.

At the precipice

prec·i·pice (prěs'ə-pĭs)

2.The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation


Here's a coal property company for income minded investors yielding 10%. Natural Resource Partners (NRP). $21.59



Dent talks a lot about the 29 to 30 year commodity cycle.

1920 - 1951
1951 - 1980
1980 - 2009/2010

Expects bulk of commodity crash to occur in the 2010 to 2015 time frame. Expects prices to remain low until 2020 to 2023.

Just one more example of deflationary forces I guess.


Roger D.

"Not since the Pharaohs and Egyptians worked to screw over everybody and take the money have we seen a group do what's being done to us in our country right now..."
Dylan Ratigan


Another killer post Yelnick! Thanks as always. Oh, get out your hard hats. Looks like my top call is gonna stick.


Roger - a precipice indeed!

Mr. Panic

Yes, when the averages drop below the lows of Friday May 7th, its freefalling time. Today, qualified as key reversal lower if one includes afterhours futures activity for the SP which thus projects a drop possibly into Friday.


I'm a buyer.

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