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« The Market is Jittery - What to Watch | Main | Market is Turning Into a Goat Rodeo »

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


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The current pattern is similar to what we saw back in 07. This decline is an ABC pattern. I say we make one last high in the next couple months.

Roger D.

Hi Mark,

Roger D.



What is it that you are posting?
It has absolutely nothing to do with Yelnick's post, let alone the post by the previous poster.

Roger D.

Marketman I don't like you, SSTFU


Hi yelnick,

Here's my view for the S&P500:


With all due respect, Mr Y - I was expecting a correction in the near future and let the door open for a final drop. So today's tape did not surprise me at all.

Hank Wernicki

Monday 31st 2010 = 1930


Sorry if this is considered OT but I have been reading about gold topping "late in May or early in June." As gold and silver seem to be rising in synch with the market since yesterday (and seem to be generally up more than down, in sympathy with equities during this decline) maybe there is something coincident in this equities rebound and gold completing a top (interim or otherwise). I still don't understand why gold and silver are going up with stocks though. If the metals are supposed to be a safe haven against systemic risk why are they rising in tandem with risk assets? Are investors buying precious metals because they believe in an inflationary outcome or the end of the world? A rising stock/commodity complex would not signal deflation or the end of the world so I have trouble seeing the metals current price action as representing fear of deflation or financial Armageddon.

Nothing against gold but I would be more confident about its price direction and value if I better understood why it is being acquired with such apparent enthusiasm at levels which, call me heretical or naive, seem rather toppy.



Enjoy your posts, read your blog first every morning.

I added to my goat door before the 10:30 Rydex cutoff.



Too bad Monday 31st 2010 is Memorial Day and the US cash equity markets will be closed....

Would You Like Fries with that Shake???

SSTFU = So Shut The F--k Up?


When is one day equal to one year?

When Hank says so...

Monday 31st 2010 = 1930

Mamma Boom Boom

Hank, that's the 2nd time you've made that prediction. I respect your work, but I really hope your wrong. Because I am solidly on a buy signal, good for several months. While the May 6th low did not hold, it's still a classic bottoming process. I have not backed the truck up, yet, but have been nibbling.


Mamma: I'm curious - what in this market is giving you a buy signal?


S&P now at 1090 and no one here can get themselves to play the long side. Now watch everyone pin their hopes on a Wave ii retracement, shorting it all the way up. Meanwhile, stocks have had a huge swing move since yesterday's low, and the 2PM Eastern low. Classic.

Mamma Boom Boom

>Mamma: I'm curious - what in this market is giving you a buy signal?<

Late last week I told you that I had 4 solid buy signals. One of those has been reinforced since then. I don't divulge those, since they are part of my proprietary technical program, but they are nothing to sneeze at. As I said twice, this environment is very similar to Aug 07.

Mamma Boom Boom

On the 'very short term' we're a little over-cooked. But that should right itself fairly quickly. At this point, I want to be long going into the weekend.


CLF still running strong.
Now about 6 points off yesterday's low.


Make that 8 points off yesterday's low.
ACI, BTU, RIG, continue to rally.
Anyone trading the energy names?


You are kidding yourself my friend.
There are NO TRADERS on this blog.

Pointless waste of time

You are kidding yourself my friend.
There are NO TRADERS on this blog.

I think the first million times this was discussed were sufficient, no?

Mr. Panic

Stock market is wasting all this beautiful breadth on a flat day. Of course, by the end of the day there might not be any more beautiful positive breadth.

P.S. That really is an ugly five waves down count by most of the e-wavers. Waves 1 3 5 totally out of proportion to each other.

Account Deleted


Thank you


Looks like some asset-allocation ended with the bond close at 3PM.


Mr. Panic,

There is an entire market of stocks and sectors that couldn't care less what the market breadth is. What are you trading right now?

Hank Wernicki

Thursday :


Mr. Panic

I am trading NRP and taking about a 10k hit since I followed you in your recommendation.


Hank, are you projecting to 970~980 ?

da bear

Mr. Panic,

I am counting the heart of the decline that includes the May 6th panic crash as the wave 3. the bounce that filled the gap was the wave 4. So either we are still in wave 5 down or wave 5 is over.

The major, panicky portion of all the famous crashes are five's.

da bear

Account Deleted


Thank you

Mamma Boom Boom

>On the 'very short term' we're a little over-cooked. But that should right itself fairly quickly.<

About 3:30 that junk-yard dog came around the corner and bit some of those young boys in the ass.


"I am trading NRP and taking about a 10k hit since I followed you in your recommendation."

Posted by: Mr. Panic | Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 12:36 PM

You obviously have no idea what you are doing or talking about.
And now that you have made the comment that you have, it is CLEAR that you are nothing but yet another college kid playing on the Internet, fantasizing about being something more than a "paper-trader".

NRP is trading $21.30 a few minutes before the close.
Am still profitable on the core investment.
But leave it to you to claim otherwise.

Pointless waste of time


For the love of God, can you set up a section where Mr. "REAL TRADER" can post to himself!!!!!!!???????????

PLEASE, I can't f*cking take it any more.

DG's Dad

My apologies.
My "paper-trading" son has escaped Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital once again.
If you have seen him, please notify the authorities.

Roger D.

As I stated at yesterdays close....

"Some charts show this as a c up of a ABC. Last chance to get out, this relief rally had the same charachter of previous rallies, will be retraced starting sometime tomorrow. Watch out below."

Sometimes I'm glad I trade for Real,lol.

Roger D.


What WAVE are we in???
That is waaaaaay more important than trying to make money.


"PLEASE, I can't f*cking take it any more."

Posted by: Pointless waste of time | Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 01:00 PM

Then leave.
No one is forcing you to come to this blog.


Great Call Roger..

Sad to see a good blog succumb to the dregs of society


Your comments section has become ridiculous. Everything is "paper-trader" this and "paper-trader" that.

Meanwhile, Mr. REAL TRADER has NEVER ONCE provided ANY evidence that he's anything BUT a "paper-trader".

Please Teach Me How To Make MOney

As I stated at yesterdays close....

"Some charts show this as a c up of a ABC. Last chance to get out, this relief rally had the same charachter of previous rallies, will be retraced starting sometime tomorrow. Watch out below."

Sometimes I'm glad I trade for Real,lol.

Roger D.

Roger, can I subscribe to your newsletter???
How much is it? Do you accept PayPal?

I just love the way that you "pat yourself on the back" here in anonymous internet land.
Too bad they still don't have Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser. You are the BEST!!!

I'll leave when I damn well please, douchebag

Then leave.
No one is forcing you to come to this blog.

Because I'd rather see Yelnick boot you.

DG's Dad

DG is that you???
Please come out from hiding my Son.
I'm sorry that your new job at Taco Bell did not last.
Your Mom and I are very worried about your well being.
Please come home.


When was the last time a bear market got underway with both the A/D line and the new highs confirming at the price peak? The answer is never.

The breadth answer is once in 1976. These are not the kind of odds bears should be betting against.

When was the last time a bear market got underway with both the A/D line and the new highs confirming at the price peak? The answer is:


Friend of DG

DG's Dad,

DG wants to know where he can meet you in person and thank you personally for all the things you've done for him. He'd LOVE to talk this all out face-to-face and not like strangers behind computer screens.

He told me to tell you that if you don't tell him, it's probably because you're just a "college-kid paper-trader" who doesn't want to be found out. I'm not sure what that means, but he said you'd know.

Pot. Kettle. Black.

I just love the way that you "pat yourself on the back" here in anonymous internet land.

Wait, are you saying that only you should be allowed to "pat yourself on the back", which you do EVERY F-ING TIME an energy stock you CLAIM (no evidence, of course) to have bought is up a penny?

GlennLoserNeely Papertraders-R-us DG's Dad Pointless waste of time GLNWould You Like Fries with that Shake???

My mom just kicked me out of her basement. Anyone have a cardboard box they can spare?

Roger D.

"Roger, can I subscribe to your newsletter???
How much is it? Do you accept PayPal?"

Like the high maintenance bimbette says...

You can't afford me lol

Roger D.


Sad to see - we miss DG


Hi Yelnick,

I believe you're incorrect about the Monte Hall problem. Once you reveal new information, that the probability of door 3 having a goat is 100%, you pose a new problem with different initial conditions. Then you simply have 2 doors, a prize, and a goat; and the probabilities are simply 50:50.



Like the high maintenance bimbette says...

You can't afford me lol

Yo, Is this a reference to Boom Boom?

With those gazongas, it's probably true so fugetaboutit...

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