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Monday, July 05, 2010


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Good work - btw, it's a dolphin. The dorsal fin of a shark is rarely that nicely curved.

Roger D.

China,Canada,and down under,who else?

Roger D.


Those people that have been bearish on Vancouver, Canada real estate has been wrong for so long that listening to them is like listening to Pretcher preaching how the Dow Jones should go to 2000 since 1990.

You can go to any of the vancouver housing blog for comments from bears. They have been saying that Vancouver housing should drop since 2005. Where is the drop? My enquiring mind would like to know. When will it happen? Don't tell me that it will drop some day since it is like predicting it will rain some day.

Mind you. Vancouver Single Family House averages 1M now.

Wave Rust

futures broken low with some momentum
points to sp at new lows rth
980 gaps for wednesday low

wave rust

Roger D.

"Those people that have been bearish on Vancouver, Canada real estate has been wrong for so long that listening to them is like listening to Pretcher preaching how the Dow Jones should go to 2000 since 1990.

You can go to any of the vancouver housing blog for comments from bears. They have been saying that Vancouver housing should drop since 2005. Where is the drop? My enquiring mind would like to know. When will it happen? Don't tell me that it will drop some day since it is like predicting it will rain some day.

Mind you. Vancouver Single Family House averages 1M now."

They said the same thing about bay area real estate. Now it's finally cracking. Bubbles always collapse, Ihave never seen one that hasn't,even Debeers will come down in this wave and that will be someting.

Bloomberg tonight:

Deficits Shrinking Most in Decades as Growth Lets S&P 500 Rally

Who rights this crap? Pravda refugees?

Rogoff Says China Property Starting to ‘Collapse’

" China’s property market is beginning a “collapse” that will hit the nation’s banking system, said Kenneth Rogoff, the Harvard University professor and former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund.

As China’s economy develops, “especially at the speed it’s growing, it’s going to have bumps,” said Rogoff, speaking in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong. He also said that while recoveries across the global economy are “very slow,” the danger of a return to recession isn’t “elevated.”

Now does the 1st paragraph jive with the 2nd paragraphs conclusion;"Isn't elevated"

I guess they think the majority of people are dumb or we think these guys are too smart.


Norway is also a country where the real estate prices seem to never want to stop increasing.



Come in 200% short for yet another collapse? How's this morning's opening working for you?


It appears that wave 4 of (1) retraced a little more than 38% of wave 3 of (1) and tested the 1040 level.

One may expect that a retracement to ES 1020~1024, SPX 1024.5~1029 is in order.

If this is the w of wave of 4 (somewhat unlikely as the correction has already taken 2 days) than the y of 4 will attempt to reach the 50% retracement of wave 3 at ES 1043, SPX 1047.5

cheers :)

Roger D.

JT, I'm fine.

The big banks aren't buying the REIT's, so this market is poised for a reversal.

Roger D.


Of course this could be iv of 3


If so, then iv of 3 could be already complete at 10:15 EST top

SPX pivot at 1023.75, crossing below is teltale of weakness.

Roger D.

The DAX has got a reversal in progress.

Roger D.

Roger D.

That daily candle and finish on the DAX would give me pause as a bull. As a bear i would count this as a "c" up in a 1,2. The financials and REITS,especially the DJR look to have a 5 down from this mornings high.

Roger D.

Roger D.

In fact with the DJR heading down I stepped in and went short.

Roger D.


There is an obvious lack of understanding of the supply and demand fundamentals for the australian market and you obviously have not looked at the impact of the recent dip on the australian dollar and how expats and foreign investors are looking at buying back in Australia. With the positive population growth and our migration policy seeing over 200,000 migrants that have wealth and are looking for secondary homes added to the fact that expats returning to the australia to live signals strong demand.

The interest rate rises are starting to hurt the local market and buyers as the proceed with caution and with the upcoming election people are sitting on their heels. Lets also remember the main selling season is not in Winter so demand does drop and has always dropped in winter!
What are the sharp drops and where Is this drop based on actual former sales or is it based on what vendors had been asking for the property and they have readjusted there pricing because they were too greedy? Are these numbers referring to investment properties/units or homes? Is it top end as this has been affected globally but does not represent the whole market.



Some of your articles are 2 years old in saying Melbourne and Brisbane prices are falling, that's not current.
In Sydney prices are still astronomical and are selling before auction ie people are bidding high before auction to get the property. Anything above $3mill has come back but that is just a drop in the overall market.
I hope Steve Keen is correct as I can't see how my children could ever afford a home within 5 kilometres of the city centre.


Fred, the articles are recent. The Brisbane one refers back to a 2008 drop but also gives current info

Jordans 5

use your crystal not save your best perfume,and use it every time you feel you want it.

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