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« Triangulating on the Bigger Picture | Main | Big Bond Bubble Beckons Bears, Buries Treasuries, And Busts Fixed Income Investors »

Friday, September 10, 2010


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Mamma Boom Boom

>Everyone should feel free to take a long weekend. Most of next week is going to be sloppy, you won't miss a thing.

Posted by: Mamma Boom Boom | Friday, September 03, 2010 at 12:14 PM<

Up 5 points for the week. Nope, you wouldn't have missed a thing.


>Friday : BIG RALLY

Posted by: Hank Wernicki | Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 12:24 PM<

Hankleberry, some day you'll learn to check with Mamma before making those kinds of forecasts.

Jersey Boy

Anyone seen Roger lately?
Heard that Mickey D's gave him a job at the fry-o-lator.


Shanghai Composite: Crouching Tiger?

SSEC has been crouching just below 2700 level for the past few weeks. The two possibilities in my view are shown on the chart. Whichever the case, i'm looking for an initial target between 2900-3060 in the short-to-medium-term, and possibly even higher in the medium-term. Depending on your chosen vehicle for trading the SSEC, you may be outperforming big time, especially if you are in a small-cap focused etf or fund (Check out the FTSE Xinhua charts below).

Account Deleted

Weekend update on SPY: CLICK HERE


I think it would be absolutely hilarious if September turned out to be the best month of the year and the best September in decades. You would have to sweep so much punditry into garbage can. Not because they are not smart, analytical people, just simply because they don't have a clue where markets are headed and never have. One would have to replace them with the talking heads and all the bulls they have marched out since last June.

As for me, I still have my fun money puts and everything else in short term bonds. Based on what I've read, I still think we see a sharp September decline of 10 to 20 percent. I think the markets are in denial about economic prospects in the next 6 to 12 months.

Must say, it sure is fun, watching and plodding along.


Mamma Boom Boom

>Not because they are not smart, analytical people, just simply because they don't have a clue where markets are headed and never have.<



I think it would be absolutely hilarious if September turned out to be the best month of the year and the best September in decades.

It wouldn't surprise me at all, but even if this turned out to be true, it would still not disprove the thesis I've been working with for months now (since the end of May, to be precise), which is that the market is in a trading range.

Watching the bulls and the bears try to twist every little market movement into "proof" the trend they're awaiting has started has been the thing that's "absolutely hilarious".



"""Watching the bulls and the bears try to twist every little market movement into "proof" the trend they're awaiting has started has been the thing that's "absolutely hilarious"."""

C'mon Buda Boom Boom. Hochberg is an bright, analytical individual. I think if you are open minded at all, you would agree with that.

But he has been calling for the decline in gold prices since I started reading his stuff about a year ago. As new information arrives he adjusts his wave count to reconcile the past. I have no problem with that except to note that all he has done is provide a great map of where gold has been. His projections about where gold is headed have not materialized. So at best one could conclude that his wave analysis of gold is trend following. I hate gold and never play it at any risk level so I think I'm on safe ground here. But days are still young and there is still lots of time for redemption. But at some point I think you have to draw the line.

I remember the father of a close friend growing up who threw all his money into diamonds just before retirement. What a mistake. Maybe that is the true value of Prechter and EW. Apart from pissing around on the edge, that is certainly what I use it for. Regardless, these next 4 months are "credibility huge" for the Dent's and the Prechter's of the world. If we get through Sept/Oct without blood on the streets and then ramp 30% in the following 6 months, it is Chicken Little all over the place. Nothing wrong with that, but let's call a spade a spade and recognise that everyone can be a guru for a day. Especially is you get to beat the same drum day after day while moving your time lines for a year or two.



"Based on what I've read, I still think we see a sharp September decline of 10 to 20 percent. I think the markets are in denial about economic prospects in the next 6 to 12 months." - Hockthefarm

Good Luck with that mega-bear opinion... It's basically the SAME exact one that has put people like Prechter and David Rosenberg up for a gig on the Comedy Channel during the past 12 months.

If some of these people (and their followers) actually traded their "views" for a living and had a boss like Stevie Cohen, they wouldn't last more than six weeks with a job as a trader at SAC.

Wave Rust

I have for a very long time stated here that 2000-2009 low was an ABC, with the caveat that March 2009 could just be a of C.

But no labeling will be definitively known for years. For example, I'm guessing half of EW'ers label '74 as the beginning of the bull market and the other half say it was '82.

2013 or even 2016 will be a better time to specu-guess-tulate on current final/actual count.

DG is right Sep/Oct are best traded as sideways. Thats because dumb money never moves the market in a new direction or trend.

smart money sits on the sidelines until they are certain of condititons. So, they will sit until they are pretty sure Congress is going to be gridlocked and Obama is handcuffed. That means they will wait to see what the socialists, that get unelected Nov.2nd, do in the lame duck session.

So, November and December should be accumulation time if just one house of Congress goes Republican. If both go republican, all bets are off. If Congress goes Repub in both houses, Obama has the bully pulpit to blame everything on them again, and get re-elected.

Don't underestimate obama for a second term (since there isn't an electable Repub out there yet). To me that would mean longer sideways, maybe with an upside tilt, until he finally leaves in 2016 ,,,, kinda like what the Dow did from '46 to '49 after the last big socialist tried to destroy free enterprise.

That makes the April 28, 1942 low analagous to March 6, 2009 low. Is that 57 years low-to-low? Aha!

What matters is what you do with the unexpected daily events. Not the long term count ,,,, unless you are an investor ,,,, then just sit in gold for a few years.

It's traders game now ,,,, channel traders, swing traders, and scalpers. Then again, the S&P could shift ranges to trading between the low 900's and 1050 for awhile.

wave rust

Wave Rust

Crude is higher.
Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong gapped open higher and are holding.

what was that about your bullish johnson shrinking? I forget!

Sell on the vix signal? not yet. :)

wave rust

Mamma Boom Boom

Hock, I misunderstood.


"If some of these people (and their followers) actually traded their "views" for a living and had a boss like Stevie Cohen, they wouldn't last more than six weeks with a job as a trader at SAC."

JT: If your aunt had nuts, she'd be your uncle. Nuff said.



With the price of gold going up so much, one wanders what to do? I must admit I am a bit lost and will keep my savings in cash for the next few months.

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