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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


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Mamma Boom Boom

Back in May, when I turned 'bullish', I said that this year was going to turn out just about like 2007. I'll stick to that. Look for the market to start it's retreat by early January.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!


Wave Rust

how about a mini version of 2006, as i have mentioned here before.

still haven't had the currency 'crash' of Feb 2007 ala yen carry trade reversal.

the mid-2006 correction has same sig as the recent one off the April'10 high ,,,, almost a perfect match eh ,,,, and now the following rally is matching up to the runup to that late Feb'07 Yen pullout.

timingwise, it's off, but shapewise is looking strong.

themz my 2 cents.

wave rust

bullish models are stuck on Go!

Wave Rust

North Korea comment

I have seen this author several times. Ms. Demick has written a great book about people in NK.

imho, the impending incapacity and death of Kim Jong Il, and the empowerment of his son Hun, the young general, and his daughter as regent is foreshadowing the transfer of power.

All the military crap is what dictators do when power is going to be passed to another. The comies view power changes as a weakness.

We view it as strength, right ,,,, from one Fabian to the next. :)

wave rust

Wave Rust

if you think NK thing is scary.

Try this for very scary.

This is as close as it gets to "having three of my best men working on" national security.

wave rust

Elliott Wave Technology

Just think if back in 1974 someone had told you that in the year 2008 there will be a significant turning point in the stock market. You would have thought they were mad. But low and behold, just three months following the end of 2008, a major turning point for the stock market was indeed established. Not bad for a general forecast made some 34-years in advance.

before jumping to conclusions, read the entire piece, which includes part-I below:

Elliott Wave, the Next Generation part I


Check out 's trading strategy! Tell me what you think.

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ES Chart


Consumer Sentiment comes in at 74.5, up from 71.6 in November and the highest level since June.

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