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Friday, November 23, 2012


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Very nice - a physics lesson along with the market report. Appropriate, moreover, considering the conflicting signals. I would go along with Caldaro and his corrective count if we were only looking at the SPX, but the Dow has clearly made impulse waves down. It seemed to lead and non-confirm the summer swoon, so I'm not discounting its leadership just yet.

And then there's the issue of a third of third kickoff to an epoch of upwardliness arising with declining volume, hair trigger artificial/nonhuman breadth, and lackluster fundamentals. I suppose that's been the unavailing argument for the past couple years though, and up is up.

One thing is certain and that is you are correct about cyber Monday. Everday this week was green and 5 waves were put in since Tuesday. Time for a pause

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This is very interesting. thanks for that. we need more sites like this.

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