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« Is Japan Signaling the Beginning of the End? | Main | Yves Sees Forward to Gold Road to Salvation »

Sunday, June 09, 2013


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Yves is bullish on inflation and bearish on gold. I guess he confirms Armstrong's view that gold is a hedge against government instability rather than inflation. Having said that, Armstrong is long term bullish on gold due to the sovereign crisis he expects to materialize in a couple of years.

I could ask what Prechter's view on gold are but I suspect that they haven't changed since the metal made a low in 1999!


My view was of a large pause/correction in gold. I am very bullish on gold and think we are nearing the end of this large wave. The problem appears to be on the length of the cycle. In my opinion it is way much longer than public opinion has it.

I did expect a correction in time/price of the decade's leg up. So this pullback fits the bill in both respect and importantly in time.


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