Looking back at Predictions made for 2013, Glenn Neely did very well for traders, and the infamous Martin Armstrong did well for big picture thinkers. My favorite pundit was Yves Lamoureux, who had a number of bold calls, on Gold topping and China bottoming (at least momentarily).
I didn't post a list of predictions, but did show how post-election years normally turn out - weak. 2013 however did very well for stocks. In contrast, 2012 was very true to normal patterns. Several posts of mine hit the nail on the head: that the cleantech bubble had burst, and that AAPL had peaked.
I will take a stab at 10 predictions for 2014 in my next post.
Looking back farther, we can say that stocks bottomed in March 2009 just as the Powers That Be relaxed the ill-advised Basil requirements to mark-to-market - do that with toxic mortgages and the whole banking sector is insolvent.
That wasn't the start of our faux recovery - that appears to have begin in Oct 2011, after the biggest stock drop since 2008. Credit QE (pun intended). The turn is clear in this chart from Business Insider, showing stocks over gold (stocks in real money):
How long will this continue? A lot call for a top in 2014, but Martin Armstrong looks out to late 2015. The current tech boom we are should go at least into 2015 if not 2016.
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